Welcome to the journey. I'm calling it that, because I think it's already begun. For five or six years I've been telling Carrie cynically, "If I started a church, I'd..." and fill in the arrogant, self-focused cynicism of ideas I might have. But recently, something has changed from simply spitting out ideas to more of a quiet, pondering. The questions I've been asking are these:
What is God telling me right now about a passion I've had for a long time?
What would it take for this to truly happen?
What would it cost me and my family to jump in faith into something like this?
Who are the people in the community around me that share the common vision?
Is this the right time?
Is there ever a "right" time? (By right I mean the point where it all makes sense. I'm thinking no.)
Where would a church plant happen?
What would it look like?
Am I losing my mind?
I love the people of South Hills Bible Chapel. Like any church, it is full of people, so it's broken and sinful at times. But it is still a community of God's people. The leadership there is a group of humble people who are seeking God's best for that church. I serve there and will continue to serve there faithfully and wholeheartedly as long as God directs me.
But... I can't shake what I feel is a clear call to help birth something new. I have no idea where. I have no idea when. It could be in 3 months, it could be in 5 years. What I want more than anything is to walk this journey with eyes wide open and seeking to love God more through the process. I want people to join the journey with Carrie and I. I want to find stories along the way, stories of God drawing people to himself through the lives and impact of Christ-followers. I want to be part of those stories. I hope you'll share your hearts as well... your prayers for our community and your wisdom and encouragement along the way. I think the cynicism at a corporate, institutional level (while still prevalent in my hearts) needs to be silenced. Instead, I want to be changed myself. I want to find the path God has called me to and be confident in that.
Carrie and I are excited, hanging on for the ride of our lives. We're jumping, be it a step at a time, and don't know fully what it means. Pray for wisdom for us. Pray for patience and discernment. Pray that I'm not crazy. :) If you want to join us let me know. I'll be spewing here fairly regularly so turn it off if you get tired of the noise.
And one day, we'll all tell these stories around a fire while the grandkids sleep, and we'll be proud that at least we tried.
August 14, 2008 at 7:13 PM
I don't feel that excited about the journey....just yet. I feel shaken, rattled and uncomfortable! My beliefs and ideas of how and what a Christian should be has changed. I have to admit...I like the ledger of checks and balances. It gave me a track to run on and a way to say whether I was doing "good" or "bad" at being a Christian. Now, I have no idea what a new kind of Christian should look like. I feel God stirring in my heart but I am more confused than ever!!! I know I need to change and know the church needs to take a new direction….but where and how???
At the edge and ready leap…but need a PUSH! Does anybody else feel this way?
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